One Region – One Health Strategy

Countries in Central Asia and the Caucasus are tackling three big challenges:

  • How to improve health care access and quality
  • How to maintain regional health security and pandemic preparedness in an increasingly connected world
  • How to respond to the health impact of climate change

Given the increasing interconnectedness and common health challenges across the region, Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) member countries agreed to deepen regional cooperation in health. Regional health cooperation facilitates dialogue and knowledge exchange, leveraging economies of scale, harmonization of regulation and standards, and development of joint regional approaches and mechanisms to common health challenges.

The 11 CAREC countries benefit from being part of a program which facilitates dialogue and supports them in their efforts. With a dedicated CAREC Health Strategy 2030 and Regional Investment Framework for Health 2022-2027 (RIF), and a forum to share experiences, seek advice and work together in geographical clusters – the CAREC Working Group on Health, they can say:

“Together we are stronger, healthier and more climate change resilient.”