Investing in Regional Health Security and Cooperation
The Regional Investment Framework (RIF) on health 2022-2027 across the four pillars and cross-cutting themes of the Health Strategy lays out what solutions can take the strategy from theory to practice. It proposes time frames, outlines potential country and geographical clusters, and provides performance indicators to monitor and measure progress. The framework is a living document and will be reviewed and updated regularly.
The table is the core of the framework and provides details of the Regional Investment Framework that reflect priority regional health security investment needs. It was developed based on country assessments and dialogue at the second meeting of the CAREC Working Group for Health held from 11-13 October 2022 in Tbilisi, Georgia. It was updated to include climate and health actions at the 5th CAREC Working Group for Health held on 2-3 November 2023 in Almaty, Kazakhstan.
The Regional Investment Framework presents proposals for project investments. The suggested project investments can be standalone projects or project components and can be further tailored based on country needs resulting from further country programming and policy dialogue. Proposed projects would undergo further preparation, including due diligence and detailed design. Regional projects considered to contribute to CAREC health cooperation outcomes include either (i) a joint initiative (cluster) of two or more CAREC countries, or (ii) a single country initiative that has a clear impact on other CAREC countries.
The identified priorities also include Technical Assistance activities, such as studies, pilots and smaller-scale capacity development activities, supporting policy dialogue, and development of knowledge products.